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Writer's pictureMaria Jones

December Astrology, 2019

~ The Starry Void ~

And so, we find ourselves heading into December, the season of the Cailleach Goddess. The nights are long and dark, the body of the Earth Mother is barren, stripped back to the bare bones. She has called Her energy inwards for the deep rest, and She invites us to do the same.

We are suspended in the strange, liminal space between the old year and the new. Held in the starry void of the Great Mother’s womb we turn within, to embrace the stillness, to reflect upon the year that has just passed, as we dream our future reality into being…….

“Disconnect from everything long enough to see if it feeds your soul, or if it’s a distraction. What’s deeply connected will always remain” ~ Maryam Hasnaa

As the planets shift from the fiery furnace of Sagittarius into grounded, earthy Capricorn we are invited to engage in some deep, karmic cleansing work this month as we journey between past and the present realities. Capricorn asks, will we continue to recreate the same lessons over and over again on a global and personal level? Or will we choose to reweave the threads of fate to create something better for future generations?

On the 2nd of December, Jupiter, Sovereign Queen of the Heavens joins Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, the Ancient Crone Goddess for the first time since 2007. Over the coming cycle, Jupiter, as Governess of Natural Law will expand the Capricornian themes of lineage, legacy and ancestral wisdom. It is time to build upon the visions and inspirations given us during Jupiter’s 12-month stay in Her home sign of Sagittarius.

Exuberant, freedom-seeking Jupiter can feel stifled in serious Capricorn. There are no quick fixes with this sign, forcing Jupiter to act with discipline and caution. If we work with diligence and focus during this period, we can make huge steps towards crystallising our dreams into manifestation. With this energy, we must ensure that every action we take is aligned with our own personal code of integrity, and serves the good of the collective.

Those who use others for their own gain, or who act in selfish, immoral ways to attain wealth or achieve their own ambitions will be exposed and brought to justice by the power of Jupiter.

As Jupiter crosses the Axis Mundi and enters Capricorn She will almost immediately square Chiron in Aries, who is slowing down to station direct on the 13th of December. This energy highlights the places we have been made to feel powerless by those in positions of authority, or feel we have to compromise our authenticity in order to maintain the illusion of material security. We must resist the urge to define our worth by the standards of the patriarchal world.

The true measure of success is not measured in accolades, productivity or worldly achievements but by how at peace we are with our reality, and how much meaning and purpose we find in our daily life.

On the 3rd of December, Venus conjuncts the South Node of release, inviting us to cut the ties that bind us to old systems of dependency and financial support, and step into new, more heart centred ways of cultivating abundance. She will conjunct Saturn on the 11th, asking us what do we wish to commit to over the coming 18 months?

On the 8th of December, Mercury finally exits the deep waters of Scorpio, where She has been since the 3rd of October, and enters truth seeking Sagittarius. After our long immersion in the underworld of the psyche we are now understand the divine plan behind our recent losses and emotional turmoil. Mercury trines stationary Chiron in Aries as She changes signs, allowing our vision to expand to see the bigger picture, calling us into a new level of awareness around our wounds.

On the 12th of December, our annual Full Moon in the sign of the celestial Sisters illuminates the deep blue velvet of the star-lit winter skies. In true Gemini style, this Lunation has many chaotic and confusing energetic themes running through it. A tense T-square forms between Lady Luna, Sol in Sagittarius, and transcendent Neptunia in Pisces, creating an atmosphere of exuberant hedonism and potential for over indulgence as we enter the height of the festive season.

As always with the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, many opinions and judgements are likely to be projected upon us during this Full Moon, both from others and the media. All is not as it seems at this time, so it is important that we endeavour to see through the fog of propaganda, and decipher what our authentic truth is. With Mars in the depths of Scorpio also aligning with Neptune at this time, there may be a tendency towards giving our power and life force away to draining outside influences.

As the Full Moon rises, Venus in Capricorn sits sandwiched in between Pluto, the Dark Goddess Pluto, and Saturnia the Mystress of Time and Space, igniting fears of survival and security. In amongst the frivolity of the season, we could be faced with some sobering truths about our finances and relationships.

As these two galactic titans edge ever closer to their epochal conjunction in January 2020, we will all be feeling the pressure to restructure, reorganise and reprioritize as the world as we knew it changes irrevocably.

Chiron the Shaman stations direct in Aries on the 13th of December. Chiron has been retrograde in the sign of the Ram since the 9th of July, asking us to reclaim our power to heal ourselves and our world. The key wounds of Chiron in Aries are a loss of self-identity, and a feeling of impotence/powerlessness. It is only when we truly know ourselves that we are able to assert our desires and our boundaries. Are Chiron changes direction, She highlights where we are still lacking confidence in ourselves, or hiding ourselves away for fear of being exposed as ‘not enough.’

On the 15th of December, Jupiter, newly instated in Capricorn makes a harmonious trine to Uranus in Taurus. How can we revolutionise the ways we create and maintain prosperity so that they serve the evolution of Mother Earth and Her inhabitants? How can we upgrade our abundance consciousness so that we can step closer towards financial freedom?

Venus the Lover Goddess enters Aquarius on the 20th of December. Venus in Aquarius is the Celestial Sky Dancer, the Star Weaver who elevates our perspectives and perceptions of what love and relationship truly mean. She opens the door to the Akashic records, so that we may see the threads of fate that run through lifetimes. She invites us to look beyond the conventions and constrictions of society that sell us stories of idealised romance, of princes and princesses and see that love is the underlying fabric of all of creation. It cannot be labelled, compartmentalised or contracted. It simply is…..

As She enters Aquarius, Venus will challenge Uranus in Taurus. With these two planets in now in ‘mutual reception’ travelling through each other’s signs, we are called to liberate ourselves from the need to control others, or cling to our possessions. The less attachments we have, the more free we will feel.

On the 21st of December, Sol follows Jupiter across the world axis and heads into the sign of Capricorn, initiating the Winter Solstice. For 3 days Sol will appear to be at a standstill as we rest in the deep, still, void space awaiting the rebirth of the light. These shortest days of the year were profoundly sacred to the Ancestors, signifying the transition from the dark half of the year to the bright. In modern times, the Ancient festival of Yule has been overtaken by the business and materialism of the Christmas season, disconnecting us from its true depth and meaning.

Those in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate the Summer Solstice on this day, as the SolStar reaches Her highest peak in the sky. From this moment on, the hours of light will slowly start to decrease as you head into the harvest time.

On the 25th/26th of December we enter Eclipse Season with a potent New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the sign of the SeaGoat. Falling on the one day of the year when most of us are gathered with our tribes, and sitting in tight conjunction with Jupiter and in square to Chiron, this Eclipse will bring many opportunities for clearing old ancestral wounds, for ourselves and the collective.

There may be themes of duty and obligation arising that call us to question how we using our time and energy. We may be feeling over burned, stressed or dealing with issues of financial and emotional security and stability. Continuing one of the major themes of the year, the North Node in Cancer eternally calls us home to ourselves, reminding us to first nourish our own souls needs before we seek to serve others.

This New Moon opens the Eclipse portal that leads us into 2020, culminating with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on the 10th January.

Solstice Blessings!

Art By ~ Wendy Andrews

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